C Programming Language

I am very much familiar to this language.Some of the basics of this language like string ,pointer ,array etc. ,I know very well.I will to develop basic games by using C Language.In Competative Programming ,I usually use this language.In C, I can say that I am in Intermediate Plus stage in this language.

C++ Programming Language

I am not very much familiar to this as I am in C language.I am currently in learning Period. I can say that ,I am in familiar stage in this language

Machine Learning

I am still in learning period in Machine Learning.I usually use octave to perform Machine Learning Problem.My aim to learn Machine Learning is to target Future Projects in Team as well as individual.I can say that ,I am in familiar plus stage in this language.


I am very familiar to this language. I usually used this language in Web development in major portion.I completed my all Projects using this language along with CSS and some Javascript.I used 75% HTML approx in My Portfolio(Ankit's STEPs).I can say that, I am in expert stage in this language.


I am very familiar to this language as HTML.I usually used this language in Web development for animations and style of web page.In all my Projects ,I used CSS along with HTML and Javascript.I used 18% CSS approx in My Portfolio(Ankit's STEPs).I can say that, I am in Intermediate Plus stage in this language.


I am still in learning period in Javascript. I usually used this language in Web development as a Brain of Body for web page.In all my Projects ,I used Javascript along with HTML and CSS.I used 7% Javascript approx in My Portfolio(Ankit's STEPs).I can say that, I am in Intermediate stage in this language.


I am still in learning period in Firebase. I used this language in none of my project.But still I know about this.I can say that, I am in familiar plus stage in Firebase.

Data Structure

I learnt a lot of about Data structure in my second semester like Linked List, Stack, Queue, Binary Tree, Hashing, M-way Tree, AVL Tree and so no. These all are very important and optimize our real-life problems as well as help me a lot in Competative Programming.I can say that, I am in Intermediate stage in Data Structure.


I learnt a lot of about Algorithm in my second semester like Quicksort, Heapsort and many more sorting algorithm.This optimize our problems and give a huge oppurtunity to solve our daily life problems.I can say that, I am in Intermediate stage in algorithm.

Additional Skill(Non-Technical)

Fine Arts

Currently, I am Fine Arts Club Head Coordinator in IIIT G.Art is my hobby. I usually did this in my free time. In this, I achieved many of certificate on district level. I have a nice skill in Chawk Pastel compair to other colour.